Rabu, 26 Juni 2013


How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?

Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting child's favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details.
Serve meals with small portions

Maybe the kid does not like the size of your portions that so reluctant to eat the food there. Many children are ilfeel after seeing a sizable portion. So, try to give a little so that they can eat faster and do not get bored in spend food.

Get together with family

Do not let children eat alone and we need to create an atmosphere of togetherness when the child was time to eat. For example, you and your husband are on the table then eat foods together. With the atmosphere of togetherness, then the child's appetite will occur slowly.

Provide healthy snacks

One of the things that concern by parents is the development of the child if he did not want to eat. Of course, when children are fussy eaters then its growth will be stunted and not as friends. One of the best ways to keep it is to try to give nutritional healthy snack. Give interesting snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and nutritious bread.

Variety of food and a nice appearance

Perhaps, he needs a variety of foods that your appetite he has incurred. For example, you could give spinach on the first day, broccoli on the second day, and chicken-based dishes in the next day. Variety of foods is a very important thing to prevent children from boredom and the desire not to eat.

However, there is one more thing that could trigger a child's appetite, which is an interesting food dish. For example, you can cook carrots to form a star or a unique object. Children will be attracted by the shape and believed to increase appetite. Hopefully, some difficulty eating kids tips above can help you.

3 Ways to Treat an Air Conditioner in Avoiding Disease

When you use a home air conditioner, do not forget to take care of on a regular basis. Because when AC is not treated regularly and carefully, it will have a bad air and becomes a place to spread the disease. The dirty AC can store a variety of viruses and bacteria that continuously spread throughout the room. It also enters into the smell of the inhabitants. As a result, the occupant will experience pain or repeated infections. The following treatments below should you do in order to make AC work optimally and be durable.

Do not forget to turn off the AC

When traveling or in a space that is not used, do not forget to turn off AC. If the air is not too hot, try to shut down about one or two hours a day. If necessary use a reminder or timer contained in the AC facility. When the air conditioner is turned off, open the windows and doors widely so that there is an air exchange.

Clean the AC regularly

Check the filter components on the air conditioning, at least once a month. A dirty air filter will hinder the air circulation and being a comfortable place for germs, bacteria, and fungi. Bacteria are what will flow to the evaporator coil (evaporator coil) and then spread back across the room. The dirty AC components can affect the performance of the cooling system becomes more severe, so it does not produce the maximum cold and wasteful.

Selective in use

Minimize the potential health problems with the use of air conditioning as selective as possible. Because, if in the same room there is a family member which is sick, viruses and bacteria can be spread through the air helped. So when a family member is sick with the flu, for example, try using the AC to a minimum. This advice also applies if there is one family member who smoked in the room or when the middle of the room and furniture cleaned.



Frase Benda (Noun Pharases)

Suatu frasa benda adalah suatu frasa di mana kata pokoknya adalah kata benda dengan kata-kata lain yang menerangkan kata benda tersebut.
Green book Green = kata sifat Book = kata benda
The police the = determiner police = kata benda
Beautiful girl Beautiful = kata sifat girl = kata benda

1.1 Count and Non-Count Nouns
The noun phrase ini dibagai menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu count noun dan non-count noun. Seperti kata-katanya, count noun adalah ungkapan kata benda yang dapat dihitung, sedangkan non-count noun adalah ungkapan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh count noun :
Book => one book, two books, three books, dan seterusnya.
Contoh non-count noun :
Milk  => one glass of milk, two glasses of milk, dan seterusnya.

With Count Noun
With Non-Count Noun
a, the, some, any
the, some, any
this, that, these, those
this, that
none, one, two, three, . . . . . . .
manya lot of
a large number of
a great number of
(a) few
fewer . . . . . than
more . . . .. . than
much (usually in negatives or question)a lot of
a large amount of
(a) little
less . . . . . than
more . . . . tha

Kata ‘waktu’ dapat menjadi kata yang bisa dihitung dapat pula menjadi kata yang tidak dapat dihitung, tergantung dari konteksnya. Jika yang sedang dibicarakan mempunyai arti occasion maka kata ‘waktu’ termasuk kedalam kata yang dapat dihitung, namun jika artinya a number of hours, days, years, etc, maka kata ‘waktu’ termasuk kedalam kata yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
We have spent too much time on this homework. (non-count)
She has been late for class six times this semester. (conut)
1. He doesn’t have (many / much) money.
2. I would like (a few / a little) salt on my vegetables.

1.2 A and an
Kata a dan an merupakan kata imbuhan yang diletakkan di depan kata benda tunggal yang berarti satu. Kata a digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan huruf konsonan, sedangkan kata an digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan huruf vokal. Tapi ada beberapa kata yang tidak memenuhi aturan tersebut.
A baseball is round.(pernyataan umum yang biasa)
There are many students in the school. A student is in the room (a student berarti salah satu dari siswa yang banyak pada kalimat sebelumnya)
An digunakan sebelum kata yang diawali dengan huruf bersuara vokal. A digunakan sebelum kata yang diawali dengan huruf yang bersuara konsonan.
A book an apple
A car an eye
A year an hour
(an hour = memakai an karna hour di baca awer – jadi bila disatukan jadi en awer)

1.3 The
Kata the digunakan untuk menunjukkan/menyatakan tentang sesuatu yang sudah kita ketahui, atau tentang sesuatu yang sudah diketahui khalayak umum/orang banyak.
The boy in the corner is my friend. (Pembicara dan pendengar sama-sama mengetahui orangnya)
The earth is round. (Hanya ada satu bumi)
Apabila digabungkan dengan non-count nouns (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung), kata the bisa dugunakna untuk kalimat yang khusus/spesifik, tapi tidak dapat digunakan untuk yang bersifat umum/general.
Sugar is sweet. (General – all sugar)
The sugar on the table is from Cuba. (Specific – the sugar that is on the table)
Tambahkan kata ‘a’, ‘an’ atau ‘the’ jika kalimat dibawah ini membutuhkannya. Namun jika tidak membutuhkan, biarkan saja kosong!
1. Jason’s father bought him the bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship form _____ France to the United States.

1.4 Other
Sebagai determiner untuk plural countable nouns atau uncountable nouns. Digunakan sebagai determiner mengacu pada hal yang tidak spesifik (belum jelas yang mana yang dimaksud).
• I don’t want these books. Please give me other books. (belum jelas other / yang lain itu yang mana, pokoknya yang lain)
Sering noun nya dihilangkan sehingga tinggal other nya saja. Sehingga other berfungsi sebagai pronoun.
I don’t want these book. Please give me others.
(others = other books)
• This chemical is poisonous. Others are poisonous too.
(others = other chemicals = tapi belum jelas bahan kimia yang lain yang mana yang dimaksud)
• I don’t like this sugar. I want other sugar. OR I don’t like this sugar. I want other.
